30th Anniversary

Added 30th Anniversary set.

New 5th Editions & Promos

Added new Fifth Edition sets Anarchs & Companions + Promos.

Fernando Cesar (Sydnelson)

This release is dedicated to Fernando Cesar. His contributions to Amaranth and V:TES will be greatly missed.

Arise from Torpor

Added 5th Anarchs and New Blood. Changed default to official cards.

5th Edition

Added new Fifth Edition set.

Card Rulings

Added card rulings tab to card view — thanks to Phoenix for the data.

Updated Cards

Card list updated to 2020-06-23 version (includes First Blood and POD).

Card Suggestions

TWDA data is now used to recommend cards in the deck view. Full TWDA integration to follow.

Seating Simulator

Compare how your deck will compete against random top tier decks.

Deck Versioning

You can now save and manage versions of decks useing the "Versions" button.

Deck Searching

You can now search decks by library or crypt cards, ie. "Saulot" will find decks containing him.

Deck Ordering

Recently modified decks now appear at the top of the list. Filtering is also now sticky (with a clear fitler button).

Card History

You can now view all past versions of a card on the changes tab (if any).

Lost Kindred

Lost Kindred has now been added to Amaranth.

Storyline Support

A new storyline section has been added to support official and unofficial storylines.

New Filters and Tweaks

Now you can filter by set and story line and reset your password.

Updated Crypt Cards

Crypt cards have been redesigned to fit better with the new library cards.

Tap is now Lock

All card artwork and text has been updated to use the new "lock" terminology. Keep this in mind when searching for cards etc.

New Card Design Live

The latest iteration of the card design is now live! If you spot any issues with them please use the comment button.

Deck Sharing

You can now share decks with others. Simply click the "Share Deck" button when editing a deck.

Keyboard Controls

If you're using Amaranth on desktop you can use the arrow keys to navigate through cards (left + right) and add them to the current deck (up + down).

Happy Families

This is now available when editing decks. Simply tap "Show Happy Families" at the bottom of the crypt area.

Quickstart Decks

These are now available for new players. If you want to submit a deck, use the "Quickstart" button when editing a deck. Quickstart decks should contain between 60 - 70 cards, not contain overly complex cards and focus on 1 - 2 mechanics.

Deck Validation

Decks are now validated in real time. Amaranth checks grouping, card count and for any banned cards.